Weekends with Vic

Rock Radio has got to be the best medium ever invented. Just thinking about Rock n Roll makes me smile. I don’t think I could get through a day, any day without cranking up my tunes. I feel so lucky to be able to do this for a living. I kinda of got started by accident though. At one time I had plans to write an adventurous scifi novel, but in High School (I went to West Valley and then Shadle Park in Spokane) I dated a guy who was going to be a disc jockey. I thought that was the coolest thing ever and I loved to gab so I headed to California and enrolled in a broadcast school. That put me on the path to working at some pretty cool radio stations. I started at a jazz station, but it was definitely lacking in electric guitar. So I managed to score a job at a Rock station after that, and then, I was hooked. I’ve worked all over the country…KPRI in San Diego, KKDJ in Fresno, KBBI in Denver, KATT in Oklahoma City, KZOK in Seattle, and as a disc jockey and Program Director of KKZX in Spokane. It’s been an awesome profession, getting to meet and sometimes hang out with some of my favorite artists. Metallica, Seether, Hell Yeah, Alter Bridge, Scorpions, so glad I got to hang out with Tom Petty in Seattle…and there are so many more I’m looking forward to see and meet, maybe with you. I’m VIC and I’m here to ROCK YOUR DAY…on ROCK 103 FM.
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